Indigo Strategies and Labor

Indigo has a long and successful history with organized labor, both in the United States and Europe.

Our very first paying client was a nurses’ union in Ohio. Since then, we’ve helped unions with organizing, advocacy and independent election expenditures.

In Pennsylvania, we worked with labor to elect eight members of the PA House and a state Senator, and multiple school board members. We also helped stop two school voucher laws, and helped Rep. Conor Lamb win a shocking special-election upset.

In Virginia, our labor IE helped flip nine House seats and put Democrats on the path to winning the majority two years later.

In Baltimore, we stopped a corrupt former mayor from returning to office, and helped turn over five City Council seats.

We’ve worked on labor-backed IE campaigns in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois, Florida and South Carolina.

Across the Atlantic, we designed and implemented the Europe-wide “Europe Needs a Pay Rise” campaign and helped the services unions advocate on collective bargaining and health and safety issues.

One last thing: Indigo’s managing partner has been a member of two different unions.